Sémele, filla del rei Cadmo de Tebas, mare de Dionís- Baco.

Es aquest blog sobre pintura i escultura. Però… mitològica, pagana. És un món antic, clàssic, fantàstic, personal en el que vos vull endinsar fins on arriben els límits de la imaginació i contemporitzar-lo. És un espai per compartir amb vosaltres imatges bellíssimes del cos humà, perquè així ho feien els grecs.

dilluns, 2 de maig del 2016

James Huctwith

"You can compare Canadian artist James Huctwith to artists from Rembrandt to gay art star Attila Richard Lukacs, but Huctwith brings his own dark melody to his portraits, tableaux, and still lifes. The mainstream art world may view his work as highly sexualized.  His authority with the subject matter suggests he is creating from his experience rather than as a shock tactic. Even though his dramatic canvases stage scenes of hallucinatory, murky sexual goings-on. If you happen to check out his website, blog, or Facebook page you will also see that Huctwith is quite great to look at himself, with rust-colored Byronic charms. So if you can't become a collector, you can always become a fan."